Valiant Running Dates
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March
East Lancashire Railway


12th March 2025
50015's next running will be Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March plus Saturday 10th May. Traction up to the end of May is now online, see ELR:DG for more.

Our Sales Stand will be operating at the Legends of Steam event Friday 14th to Sunday 16th March. Please do come and say hello!

Valiant is also taking part in the Mixed Traction Western Region Weekend on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th April.

Maintenance and improvements to 15 never stop really (Think Forth Bridge and Paint!). See the Valiant Facebook Group for more.

Follow us on Twitter @Valiant50015

Bury Valiant Group

Welcome to, the website for preserved English Electric Class 50, 50015 'Valiant'. We aim to gather information and resources here including updates on ongoing maintenance, details of rostered workings and photographs from both past and present.

Although a regular and reliable performer, Valiant requires constant attention both mechanical and cosmetic. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer or wish to make a donation, please click here for more details.

Help 50015

Ok, so everyone is looking for donations and support, but it's not all about you sending us your hard earned!

One great way of supporting Valiant is to come along and have a ride behind her on a running day or special event. You get to enjoy a ride behind a 50 and both the loco and railway earn some money, everybody wins!

Getting involved as a volunteer at Bury Diesel Group is another way of helping out. More details can be found at the ELRPS website.

If you would like to make a donation we would love to hear from you. Please see the panel opposite or below for details.

Thank you!
Bury Valiant Group


For BACS or Standing Order payments please contact us for more details
Donate via Paypal
No sign-up required


Volunteers, Standing 
Orders & BACS

If you'd like to get involved or wish to make a regular or BACS donation please send an email to with '50015' in the subject line.

For more general information on the work of the ELR diesel department see or for the ELR see

Website, Photo 
Contributions, etc

For general website queries, to send information about the loco history, photos or if you spot any dead links etc send an email to with '50015 Website' in the subject line.

All Submissions are valued however not all photographs can be used, copyright remains with the respective holders as credited.
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